Maximum Acyclic Subgraph - Multiple Sequence Alignment
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAgentThis Agent class selects edges according to a policy
 CArrowShapeThis Class stores the methods to draw a Arrow with a start and end coordinate
 CFuncArrowShapeThis Class stores the methods to draw an arrow for the game with some functionalities
 CButtonThis class generate a button for the GUI
 CcolorlistThis Class stores a List of well-distinguishable Colors. (Color Values)
 CcolormapThis Class stores an unordered_map from strings to colors and a method to map strings (expecially kmers) to a unique color
 CDrawNodeThe class "DrawNode" has the properties "sf::Vector2f" and "sf :: Color col"
 CGeneratorThis class generate random seeds
 CGraphRendererThis Class stores Methods which manipulates a window in terms of a MAS Game-Structure
 CLinearNetThis class defines a new Module
 CRandomPolicyThis RandomPolicy promotes random selection of edges
 CstateThis state class encapsulates the current game state. It can output possible actions and select them